Wool Blanket Rainbow XII – dark blue with one black stripe on both ends

Rainbow is nowadays considered as the most famous blanket from the fur trade period in North America. The blanket is thick and warm, ideal for camping. It is a dark blue blanket with one black stripe on every edge.

With the Rainbow blankets, it's necessary to take into account that the size of the blanket is indicative and the actual size can differ from the stated one by 3%. This is given by the manufacturing method where the last technological step of the process is a water bath during which the blankets are shrunk to the required size. Wool's behaviour in the water bath is not 100% predictable and so it can result in the mentioned difference.

  • Softness:classic ?
  • Width:160 cm
  • Length:220 cm
  • Weight:2,6 kg
  • Material:90% wool (weft), 10% cotton (warp)
  • Grammage:740 g/m2
  • Color:blue, black
  • Brand:Balkanova
  • Type:indoor, outdoor
  • Partial handmade Partial handmade
  • Rhodopian wool Rhodopian wool
Original price was: €94.90.Current price is: €82.99.
10 reviews
  1. Richard Elleder (verified owner)

  2. Alena Dufkova (verified owner)

    Zboží dorazilo hned druhý den a v pořádku, deka je moc hezká.

  3. Vladimir Skrepsky (verified owner)

    Velmi dobrá kvalita v porovnání s originálem z Anglie firmy Whitney Point. Je ale nesrovnatelně levnější, mohu doporučit opravdu jednička na českém trhu.
    Zdraví Vladimír z již Čech

  4. martin herzig (verified owner)

    Krasna silna deka. Trosku skrabe ale na spani to nevadi ani na holou kuzi. A ze zacatku pousti jemne chloupky.

  5. Lubomir Simik (verified owner)

  6. Marek Steker (verified owner)


  7. Petra (verified owner)

    Velmi kvalitní teplá deka, velká spokojenost.

  8. Pavel S. (verified owner)

  9. Jan Kubesa (verified owner)

    Maximální spokojenost, deka splnila vše co jsem očekával, tedy tepelnou pohodu, robustnost a “nekouše”.

  10. Marie Tomkova (verified owner)

    SUPEEEER a krásně teploučká.