next I was born, in 1973 such a bedcover, made in the same factory, was given to me while staying in bulgaria. I kept it my lifelong. Despite moving around often with it, often outdoor, festivals, camping, etc, it did remain in very good condition until recently, it is the most longlasting wool bedcover I ever had. it lasted 45+ years!
It seems to me with those years of experience that the becover likes being outdoor now and then in fact. It seems wool, as hairs, doesn’t like being too dry, it would become brittle or turn into dust. With being outside in the spring or autumn, in a meadow or a garden with a few humidity, then it becomes softer, better robust, it’s almost improving.
thanks balkanova I now have another one. Since I now know it matter 2 or 3 for one life : )
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L. Hansen (verified owner) –
Good quality blanket.
mr (verified owner) –
next I was born, in 1973 such a bedcover, made in the same factory, was given to me while staying in bulgaria. I kept it my lifelong. Despite moving around often with it, often outdoor, festivals, camping, etc, it did remain in very good condition until recently, it is the most longlasting wool bedcover I ever had. it lasted 45+ years!
It seems to me with those years of experience that the becover likes being outdoor now and then in fact. It seems wool, as hairs, doesn’t like being too dry, it would become brittle or turn into dust. With being outside in the spring or autumn, in a meadow or a garden with a few humidity, then it becomes softer, better robust, it’s almost improving.
thanks balkanova I now have another one. Since I now know it matter 2 or 3 for one life : )