
Balkanova s.r.o., with its registered office at Karoliny Světlé 321/23, Prague 1 – Old Town, postal code 110 00, identification number 285 31 299, VAT number CZ 285 31 299. For general information, please contact our e-mail account or phone to the store +420 725 920 133 (active during the opening hours of our store). The company executive is Mgr. Georgi Becev, Ph.D., e-mail:, tel: +420 776 332 522

Bank connection

payments in EUR and other currencies:
account no. 1032100/2060 at Citfin, s. d.
IBAN: CZ3120600000000001032100
account holder: Balkanova, s. r. o. with the above-mentioned seat.

payments in CZK:
account no. 226796371/0300 at ČSOB, a. s.
account holder: Balkanova, s. r. o., with the above-mentioned seat

Opening hours

The opening hours of our store in Karoliny Světlé 23 in the Old Town in Prague 1 are by default, Mon - Fri 10.00 - 12.30 and 13.30 - 18.00 h, Sat - Sun 13.00 - 18.00 h. It is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. For current opening hours, please follow the Store window, on the homepage or our fb profile.